May Update

Hmmm, since May is nearly gone, perhaps I should have titled this post “June Update” … oh well, it IS May and this is my latest Update, so May Update it is!

BoomerLife (dot) Live, my podcast, is gaining traction (albeit on a slippery slope). I have listeners “reminding” me that the interval between my last post and an update has been, ummmmm, too long. (I appreciate that feedback! It tells me that there ARE people listening! Thank you!!)

For those of you new here, BoomerLife.Live (this site) and BoomerLife (dot) Live, my podcast, offer useful information about technology specifically designed, developed or proven useful, for us Baby Boomers/Senior Citizens. Both this site and my podcast are based upon seminars I conduct (meetings I convene) with groups of my peers to explore the digital world around us. I call one of those meetings “TechTalk” and the other “Computers Made Easy” – combined, they convene five times each month.

TechTalk topics run the gamut of today’s technology: apps to laptops, tablets to smartphones, WiFi and mesh WiFi, keyboarding to voice input and so very much more! While Computers Made Easy attempts to stay close to topic: using a computer! (Some of the participants have computer “exposure” and less everyday experience.) My goal is to help them get comfortable using their device(s) in order to help them become more involved with today’s technology. It’s fun for me and extremely rewarding! When someone tells a story about a “new” experience they had using their computer (or other tech device), I feel a sense of pride!

My work with these groups is pro bono. One of the benefits of retirement: the time and ability to teach a subject about I am passionate!

There was a time I referred to the meeting as “Digital Literacy Group” – They weren’t very fond of that identification. It was tooooooo technical and nobody really wants to learn digital literacy. “How about some plain ol’ tech talk to bring us up to speed on what’s new?!”

That worked: TechTalk it became! If you want a brief sample, visit my podcast: BoomerLife (dot) Live and have a listen!

Stay healthy! Have fun! Enjoy your BoomerLife – Live!

More soon!